As usual, during a dental exam, the dentist performs teeth cleaning on the teeth to keep the teeth clean and healthy. However, there are times when you won’t be advised to regular teeth cleanings after the dentist has examined your teeth. This is because you would need to get a deep dental cleaning that is different from the normal teeth cleaning. Why? Patients who already have mild gum diseases would require deep teeth cleaning to prevent the gum disease from advancing. If your dentist refuses to perform normal teeth cleaning on your teeth simply because you want a fast procedure or you want to postpone the deep teeth cleaning by having the regular teeth cleaning first, then you should not get angry. This is simply the right thing to do. Dentists are trained to keep their patients safe and also warn them about dental health signs that are life-threatening, one of which is gum disease. It is best that you sit for an effective and appropriate treatment.
What is a deep dental cleaning called?
Deep teeth cleaning is also known as root planing or periodontal scaling. So, if you ever come across the word, periodontal scaling or root planing, you know that it is referring to deep teeth cleaning or deep oral cleaning.
Deep oral cleanings are professional teeth cleanings that are done to clean and remove sticky plaques and tartar deposits inside the teeth. It is performed to keep the gums safe and prevent the gums from irritation thereby making your gums healthy.
Plaques are dangerous to your dental health and even your general health. Although we can get rid of plaques by brushing our teeth daily. However, not all areas of our teeth can be accessed by a toothbrush. This is why it is best you also floss your teeth to remove the food particles that are in the corners of your teeth where the toothbrush cannot gain access. This doesn’t also dispute the fact that some food particles might get into the gumlines and if the gums are not thoroughly cleaned you might be at a high risk of getting periodontitis (advanced gum disease). Although regularly flossing might reduce your risk of getting gum disease.
Periodontitis is a serious infection that should not be neglected. When a person doesn’t floss or brush regularly, germs can gather inside the holes of the teeth and the gum pockets. Over time, if the germs are removed, they can cause serious dental problems. The germs can penetrate deep into the bone tissues which attaches to the jawbone and the teeth. When this happens, you could lose your teeth and experience bone death (bone loss) if the gum disease is not quickly treated.
While regular teeth cleaning smoothens and cleanse your teeth above the gum line, a deep teeth cleaning is performed to take out the bacteria that have gathered deep inside the gums. This means that a deep cleaning requires the use of local anesthesia to prevent the patient from feeling pains and discomfort during treatment. A regular oral cleaning, on the other hand, doesn’t require any anesthesia.
Will My Teeth Fall Out After Deep Oral Cleaning?
Well, this is not true because deep teeth cleaning do not get rid of the connection between the bones and the gums.
When there is a large amount of tartar deposit inside the gums, it can lead to loss of teeth bone over time. After deep teeth cleaning, you would begin to feel looseness around where the lost teeth bone are since the tartar deposits have been gotten rid of. This means that it is the germs that cause the looseness around the teeth bone and not a deep oral cleaning. A deep oral cleaning only makes you feel the effects more.
What Is The Difference Between Deep Teeth Cleaning And Scaling?
Deep teeth cleaning is also the same as scaling. A deep teeth cleaning involves the use of scalers to scrape out plaques and tartars from the teeth’ roots. Scaling is one of the processes that make feel teeth cleaning a complete procedure. It involves the use of scaling tool to remove the plaques and tartars.