Encountering a Problem of Breaking and Rotting Teeth: Learn Why the Problem Affects You

How you show off your pearly whites provides a quick look at your confidence and self-esteem. Flashing your teeth depends on many factors, from cosmetic to urgent, causing you to hide your smile behind pursed lips or the back of your hand. If you struggle with weak teeth than earlier or your teeth appear brittle, they can interfere with your ability to eat, laugh, and continue life confidently. You may be contributing to the weakness of your teeth by indulging in bad habits or maybe a victim of circumstances beyond your control. Regardless of the reasons, your dentist can help you overcome the problem with your rotten teeth to bounce back with confidence.
What Causes Rotten Teeth?
The acronym for describing severely decayed teeth is ‘rotten’ teeth. The primary cause of rotten teeth is consuming sugary and starchy foods and neglecting a proper oral hygiene regimen. When you don’t clean your teeth correctly and regularly mouth bacteria, create a layer of dental plaque that deposits toxins to erode the tooth enamel. After the erosion of tooth enamel, the bacteria continue working hard to penetrate the softer dentin until they reach the soft center of the tooth, the pulp. The final stage of rotten teeth causes painful infections in the pulp spreading under the tooth and into your gums.
Symptoms of Rotten Teeth
Experts list rotten teeth symptoms starting with a toothache and sensitivity when biting down or any hot and cold foods. You might also see cavities developing on your teeth, appearing in shades of brown or black. If you have severe tooth decay, the infection can interfere with your everyday activities.
Infections making an onset in your mouth cause you to notice swelling, pus, and excruciating pain, making it challenging for you to eat and result in weight loss to result in nutritional deficiencies. Additionally, rotten teeth can break and fall out.
Preventing Rotten Teeth
Preventing rotten teeth is not a significant challenge so long as you practice excellent oral hygiene, an essential aspect of avoiding rotten teeth. You should also include six-monthly visits to your dentist for professional dental cleanings if you intend to overcome this issue comprehensively. Perhaps you can use some of the strategies mentioned below or implement them to prevent your teeth from rotting or losing your teeth.
- Six Monthly Dental Visits: Your dentist can help identify and treat the rotten teeth in your mouth before they worsen. Therefore you must visit your dentist for routine dental cleanings at intervals recommended by the professional.
- Brushing Your Teeth: You must brush your teeth with a fluoride toothpaste at least twice daily and after meals. Neglecting this habit is a surefire way of allowing dental plaque to build upon your teeth and below the gum line.
- Limit Sugary and Starchy Foods: Try to avoid what limit consuming foods and beverages high in sugars. Some examples include cookies, candies, sports drinks, energy drinks, and carbonated beverages.
- Drinking Tap Water Helps: Drinking tap water benefits your teeth and prevents them from rotting because the water contains fluoride to strengthen your tooth enamel and protect it from decay.
- Limit Snacking: Aim to limit frequent snacking between meals because the snacking provides the bacteria the sugars they need to convert them into toxins.
- Dental Sealants: Dental sealants are a thin coating of liquid plastic Applied to the surfaces of your molars where bacteria and food particles remain trapped because of their deep pits and grooves. The sealant covers the chewing area to create a smoother surface on the tooth and prevent food particles and bacteria trapping.
When to Contact Your Dentist for a Remedy?
Rotting teeth in their early series will likely not display any symptoms, making you think everything is fine in your mouth. The optimal technique to overcome this problem is to visit your dentist frequently to identify and address any issues with your teeth before they worsen.
Making an appointment with your dentist when you experience tooth sensitivity, pain, and swelling in and around the mouth is also recommended. The signs you experience indicate advanced stages of rotting teeth or any other dental condition that needs prompt attention.
The primary reason for your rotting or breaking teeth results from the activities of the bacteria inside your mouth and present in dental plaque. The bacteria convert the sugars from the foods and beverages you have into acids that continue damaging your teeth until they require intensive treatments. Getting your teeth treated early can help prevent or even reverse the problem in your mouth. However, leave the condition untreated, and it causes permanent damage to result in tooth loss leading to expensive investments from dentists.